South African Tourism / 12 posts found

Recommended Tipping Guide when on an African Safari

These are rough guidelines and suggestions on gratuities while travelling around Africa on a per person basis meaning per person travelling so if you are a couple, multiply by two etc. NAMIBIA Porters N$10.00 per person Car guards N$5.00 per evening out Guides N$100.00 per person per day Professional guides N$150.00 per person per day Hotel / camp / lodge staff US$4.00 per person per day   ZAMBIA / BOTSWANA / MALAWI / ZIMBABWE / MOZAMBIQUE /INDIAN OCEAN ISLANDS Porters US$ 2.00 per person Guides/Trackers US$7.00 per person per day Professional Guides US$15.00 per person per day Hotel / camp […]

Yoga, Hike and Meditate in the Majestic Drakensberg Mountains of South Africa this September 2017

Champagne Sports Resort Wellness and Detox Retreat . Looking for that africa yoga safari with a difference… well imagine restorative yoga at the foot of the majestic Drakensberg mountain range with nutritious meals and rejuvenating hikes up into the mountains.  Take invigorating hikes up into the mountains. All while staying at the most beautiful and comfortable hotel in the Drakesnberg chosen for the sole purpose of replenishing your body, mind and spirit. We will be waiting for you from 28 September – 2 October 2017 – 4 nights and 5 days Join Kerry- Lee Jenson (Experienced Yoga Teacher and Life Coach) for […]

Yoga and Mother Nature

Yoga is an ancient Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline that includes meditation, breath control and specific body postures, and is widely practiced for health and relaxation. Yoga teaches you how to harmonize the body with both the mind and your breathing techniques by means of a series of body positions called asanas, and by meditation. The origins of Yoga probably date back some 6,000 years, but the discipline was not introduced into the West until the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. It has only become really popular as a system of physical exercise since the 1980’s.  This popularity followed […]

Looking for breakfast!

by Sean Drayton
A perfect Kodak moment .. an incredible photographic image of elephants grazing leisurely in Kwa Zulu Natal.

Want a ride, my dear?

What a great visual reminder about the small sightings on an African safari.

The final episode in the adventure of the rhinos journey to Botswana.

by Sean Drayton
&Beyond is delighted to launch the fourth and final installment of their remarkable “Rhinos Without Borders” story. This fourth video documents the handover ceremony with the President of Botswana, whereby the six rhino were officially donated to the people of Botswana. Watch as the boma fence comes down and the rhino are released into the wild, there they now roam free in their new home.

Sabi Sabi Lion kill

Sabi Sabi Lions kill buffalo 

African Adrenalin rush .. riding bikes with elephants

by Sean Drayton
Source: Uploaded by user via Tracy on Pinterest

Lion Picture – National Geographic Photo of the Day

by Sean Drayton
One of the many reasons I love Africa..!